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Regular price £450.00
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Gerald Mac Spink

Dorking, Southern Railway

Flourished 1920 – 1940

Gouache on paper
Image size: 5 x 4 inches (13 x 10 cm)
Contemporary dark oak frame

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Gerald Mac Spink

As well as being an accomplished artist and illustrator, Gerald Spink worked an aeronautical engineer for Hawker Engineering in Kingston-on-Thames. He designed artwork for a number of travel and advertising posters, for such clients as Southern Railways, the London and North Eastern Railway and MG cars, as well as Shell, Castrol, the British Steel Corporation and Hawker Engineering. In 1933 Spink won a prize for his artwork exhibited at the Competition of Industrial Designs at the Imperial Institute. Shortly after the Second World War, Spink also designed and built a 500cc racing car, nicknamed the ‘Squanderbug’, a project he completed in 1947.

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